Friday, January 7, 2011

ReALly?!! It's already over?

Last night I was playing games with my brother and a couple friends; I was packing; I couldn't wait for tomorrow. This morning I was watching a movie with Mel to try and stay awake; I was sitting in the Spokane airport with my alarm set so I wouldn't miss my flight; I was a few hours from home. At least it feels like it. Actually it has been 3 weeks since I finished my 2nd term at NSA. And my days here in NM have been chalk full since I have been home. It really is so nice to have 6 dear, loving people--family--to welcome me and Curtis home and make my time off school so wonderful. "The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." (Thomas Jefferson) Long talks with Mama, cousins, dear friends, and Risse have probably been the highlight so far...if only they could last longer...My only consolation is that I am going to take Marissa back up to Moscow with me for several weeks. =)
Well, here's what I've done over break:
I'm sure none of you are surprised, but a lot of what I have done has to do with food. Imagine that. I have thoroughly enjoy every moment of it =)
chocolate ganache truffles
Coconut Pecan Banana Bread, hot and buttered, of course!
spinach salad with mandarin oranges, swiss cheese, pomegranate seeds, and pecans
The three of us olders and Daddy drove down to Ruidoso to see my Grandma Jayne and Cousins and Aunt from Oklahoma. We just went down for the day, but we had a lovely time...and I came home with a new-to-me car =)
Me and Taylor:
the cousins
Marissa and I also took a trip up to Aztec to visit our dear Skeens. We did much--mostly talking and working in the kitchen--but we went ice skating and did a photo shoot, so that's what we have pictures of:

if only the photographer were a little more stable on her skates ;)
just some pictures
My favorite games of this Christmas/New Year's break:
Settlers of Catan
Catch Phrase
the notebook paper-storywriting-one minute-game challenge
And here are some of my recent drawing and doodles. Really, I don't have enough time to accomplish all that I want to. No, not even a month with nothing else to do.
this hat was super fun to work on
this girl is my favorite!
and just the beginnings of one that I hope to finish soon (many of you have asked as I work "who is that?" so I have included the picture I'm drawing from, however most of what I draw is just from my imagination):
Tomorrow I plan to make a french meal for my family. Yes, real french cuisine! I was blessed this last term to be able to sit under the instruction of a master french Chef Francis Foucachon and learned how to cook a couple recipes. Hopefully the foods will turn out well enough for pictures and I can post about that later.
I only have two days left--let's savor them together.


Trisha said...

Beautiful moments for you, Caity. The pictures make it all come alive for the rest of us. Your drawings are amazing. Love you!

Anonymous said...

What a fun break from school you've had Caity! I bet that makes it alot harder to want to go back... Thanks for sharing so many beautiful pictures with us!

P.S- That 'fancy Mac and Cheese" looks absolutely delicious! It made my tummy growl!

Spencer Mom said...

It has been wonderful to all be together over break. I am keenly aware that there may not be many more of these and I'm treasuring every moment. I'm glad to know that you are as well. Thanks for the "tea" today, the conversation was, as always an encouragement. Big HUG!

Anonymous said...

Caitygirl! I like it:)

Your chocolate truffles, coconut pecan banana bread, spinach salad rivals the food channel...Haha. Really, I think you're a budding chef, artist and the rest is yet to be seen so I'll have to stay tuned.

I love your blog design, Caity. So fun!

Photos are sweet.

Looks like you and Curtis are newly nominated (by me!)for being in charge of games the next time you're here. Sounds like you played a lot of fun ones. I've never been a game person but in the last few months, I've changed my mind about that. :-)

Thanks for inviting me to your blog. I was away all day today--picked Cassie up from the airport.

May the Lord put his angels around all of you as you travel back to Moscow.

Mrs. Burgess

Unknown said...

Oh Caity, all that food looks super good. I'm so glad you got to go home and enjoy your family!